
The aim is to analyze the peculiarities of emergency care to dental practitioners at the department of postgraduate education of dentistry doctors for improving the quality of manual skills of the doctor in an outpatient department. Within the framework of the program, pilot trainings are held in Poltava and Lviv on the following topics: assistance in sudden coronary and sudden cardiac death, assistance with acute cerebrovascular accident, help with hypertensive crises, help with cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema. The training is carried out according to the methodological design and it consists of the theoretical and practical part. The training is provided by a certified teacher at the regional training and training center at M.V. Sklifosovsky Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital. The optimal number of listeners is 10-12 people. On the theoretical part the teacher represents the purpose, the plan of the lesson and in the logical sequence the material is presented. The theoretical part is equipped with a multimedia presentation. In the process, the teacher defines the basic level of knowledge and skills of listeners. In the practical part, the teacher initially determines the level of possession of clinical skills of doctors, teaches work on dummies, models real, simple and accessible to perception simulation scenarios. Doctors have to solve the tasks and practice practical skills from basic resuscitation measures. At the same time, an important place is given to work in the team. On phantoms, elements of the resuscitation brigade are worked out when providing emergency care to a patient with a terminal state (cardiac arrest) using cardiac-pulmonary resuscitation techniques (CPR). At the same time, artificial ventilation of the lungs (ventilation of the lungs) with exhalation in the mouth or the nose (mask) in the area of the head of the phantom is carried out. The modeling of the air duct is then modeled. This verifies the correctness of the laryngoscope in the oropharynx, and the introduction of the laryngeal mask. Doctors will work with Ambu's bag: the first hand fix the mask of the device in the area of the nose, the mouth of the phantom, and the other - by pressing the camera, the air is poured into the roton-nose area of the phantom with a certain frequency of pressure, followed by the use (if necessary) of an oxygen cylinder of type B. This checks the correctness of each reception. Conducting each manual reception and its effectiveness is fixed and processed by a computer program. The result is displayed on the monitor in the form of vital signs of the patient. In the case of effective doctor actions, the vital parameters of the "patient" on the monitor are normalized. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the manipulations is also carried out in balls. In the beginning, the trainer-instructor shows the order and correctness of carrying out emergency assistance measures on phantoms. In the future, monitors the implementation of manual techniques and assesses the actions of interns at each individual stage, emphasizing the correct implementation of the manual action. The sequence of the manual training on the "phantom-monitor" system gives confidence to doctors in the correctness and efficiency of manual skills. At the end of the practical cycle of training certified teachers of the department summarize the practical training with doctors-dentists. Practical training with the use of modern phantoms with computer processing of results helps to increase the competence of dental practitioners in providing emergency care and to ensure the use of the knowledge to improve the quality of medical care for patients.


  • The aim is to analyze the peculiarities of emergency care to dental practitioners

  • pilot trainings are held in Poltava

  • The training is carried out according to the methodological design

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ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ МЕТОДІВ СИМУЛЯЦІЙНОГО НАВЧАННЯ НА КАФЕДРІ ПІСЛЯДИПЛОМНОЇ ОСВІТИ ЛІКАРІВСТОМАТОЛОГІВ Для лікарів-стоматологів на амбулаторному прийомі нагальним питанням є надання допомоги пацієнтам при невідкладних станах. Для формування стійкого алгоритму дій при невідкладних станах необхідно мати не тільки добре засвоєну теоретичну базу, а й відпрацьовані практичні навички. У процесі формування навичок виділяють чотири етапи: від формування програми навички до автоматичної дії.

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