
Multiple criteria analysis presented in this paper for property valuation may be used to the advantage of various interested parties. The representatives of various parties including appraisers, buyers, sellers and investors may use it for their particular purposes: appraiser may apply this method to real estate value analysis for determining the market, use and other values of real estate being mortgaged, ensured, privatised, divided or nationalised; investor may rely on it for more efficient use of this property; buyer may use it for choosing property which would satisfy his personal needs to the best advantage; seller can use it for determining the market price of his property that would ensure its competitive ability on the market. To satisfy all the needs described, multiple criteria valuation method presented in the paper may be successfully applied. To show its efficiency, the solution of a sample problem representing a real case is provided.


  • Daugiakriterines analizes vertes nustatymo metodas paremtas rinkos ir nekilnojamojo turto analize bei nekilnojamojo turto objekttt vertt; veikianci4_ kokybinil!_, kiekybini4_ bei rinkos konjunktiiros kriterij4_ nustatymu ir ivertinimu

  • Research interests: building technology and management, decision-making theory, automation in design, expert systems

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Nekilnojamasis turtas (zeme, statiniai ir j4 priklausiniai) yra patikima investicija, preke, turtinis garantas, kiekvieno piliecio biistas, darbo ar poilsio vieta, verslo ar veiklos priemone, pragyvenimo saltinis ir kt. Vis dazniau vertintojas susiduria su tokiais nekilnojamojo turto vertes nustatymo klausimais, kurie negali biiti isspr~sti klasikiniais vertinimo metodais. Nekilnojamojo turto vertinimui yra svarbi ne tik paties nekilnojamojo turto vertes nustatymo metodo matematine struktiira bei jo taikymo galimybes, bet taip pat labai svarbus ir vis be isimties nekilnojamojo turto vert~ veikianci kriterij4 - objekto kokybini Siiilomas daugiakriterines analizes vertes nustatymo metodas yra vienas is nekilnojamojo turto vertinimo metod4_, leidzianci4_ nustatyti ne tik nekilnojamojo turto rinkos vertt;, bet ir kitas nekilnojamojo turto vertes. Daugiakriterines analizes vertes nustatymo metodas paremtas rinkos ir nekilnojamojo turto analize bei nekilnojamojo turto objekttt vertt; veikianci4_ kokybinil!_, kiekybini4_ bei rinkos konjunktiiros kriterij4_ nustatymu ir ivertinimu. Todel sis metodas leidzia kompleksiskai vertinti ne tik lyginaml!_jtt turto objekttt kokybinius, bet ir kiekybinius bei su tais objektais susijusil!_ rink4_ konjunktiirtt skirtumus

Daugiakriterinei analizei reikalingq pradiniq duomenq rengimas
Daugiakriterines nekilnojamojo turto analizes vertes nustatymo metodas
Praktinis metodo taikymas
Kiekybinis ir koncepcinis nagrinejamq objektq aprasymas
Tyrimo eiga ir gautq rezultatq aptarimas
28 Teritorijos sutvarkymas
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