
The purpose of the article is to reveal the types of communication technologies, generalize their essence, describe the components of the model of information and communication process, highlight the application of marketing communication technologies in coding appeals in building effective communications with target audiences. Methodology of research. The solution of the goals and tasks set in the article is realized with the help of appropriate general scientific special research methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, logical approach. Findings. The understanding of the importance of communication technologies in the planning of marketing communications has been adapted. The essence of the model of information and communication process is revealed; attention is focused on highlighting an additional filter through which information necessarily passes, namely – the internal psychological limitations of the recipient in the perception of the sent information, barriers in the perception of information, low level of trust in communication messages. Based on this, it is established that in the conditions of oversaturation of information space, greater practical education of consumers and not finding in most communication messages of qualitative content, the more professional application of communication technologies in creating communication appeals becomes relevant. In particular, the use of the following communication technologies in the coding of marketing messages is proposed: communicative technology of linguistic manipulation; technology of symbolism, in the form of myth-making and mystification; behaviorism technology; gestalt psychology technology; technology of cognition; neuromarketing technology; humanization technology. A critical assessment of the practical application of color as a communication technology and the feasibility of using the term “25th frame” in characterizing the types of communication technologies. Practical value. It is recommended to apply the main scientific provisions of the article when planning marketing communications, reproduction of the set ideas in high-quality information content, establishing two-way communication with target audiences. Keywords: marketing communications, information and communication process, coding, communication technologies. REFERENCES 1. Bazherina, K. V. (2014). 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