
The study focuses on the preparation of landslide susceptibility maps in the Kali River valley, Kumaun Himalaya using three machine learning algorithms, namely K-nearest neighbour (KNN), random forest (RF) and extreme gradient boosting (XGB). Fifteen landslide conditioning factors (LCFs) were selected and an inventory of 368 landslides was used for the analysis. Multicollinearity analysis using the variation inflation factor, tolerance and Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) depicted less to no similarity between all factors. Evaluation of variable importance suggests LCFs such as slope, elevation and distance to thrust contributed significantly and consistently for all three models. Model accuracy was determined and compared using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and other statistical signifiers like accuracy, sensitivity, F-measure, accuracy, specificity and recall. The results show that the ensemble algorithms, XGB and RF, yield higher accuracy of approximately 85% compared to the KNN model with 81% accuracy.

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