
It has long been known that the most effective in a countermeasure for stress corrosion cracking in pipe and nozzle welds is by reducing the residual stress in the portion of the weld exposed to the corrosive environment. An irradiated laser stress improvement process (L-SIP) was introduced as a method to improve residual stress inside steel pipes and nozzles. L-SIP has been applied to the pressurizer nozzles in actual plant, Tsuruga unit 2 Japan, for the first time in the world. The nozzles to which this process was applied are the surge nozzle (September 2007), safety nozzles, relief nozzle and spray line nozzle (April 2010). L-SIP can be applied without inner surface cooling because the high power laser beam can generate the sufficient temperature difference without such cooling. Where necessary to achieve optimum temperarure difference, water cooling may also be applied at the inner surface. At Tsuruga unit 2, L-SIP was successfully applied to the spray line nozzle in air-cooling mode, and the surge nozzles, 3 safety nozzles and relief nozzle in water-cooling mode.

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