
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is utilized to increase oil production after primary and secondary methods. EOR is classified into three main categories i.e. thermal recovery, chemical flooding and miscible flooding. Alkaline Surfactant Polymer (ASP) EOR is a method of chemical flooding in which the increase of oil recovery is ranging from 19% to 34% of original oil in place (OOIP). In order to obtain optimal results of ASP EOR needs to consider several parameters i.e. the concentration of ASP, ASP material procurement costs, the injection pressure and mass flow rate of injection. Beggs-Brill method is used to model the pressure drop in the injection well and production well. The mean error of Beggs-Brill method to PIPESIM simulation result is 0.5076%. Meanwhile the modelling of reservoir pressure conducted using Darcy equation shows that the mean error of Darcy equation model to COMSOL Multiphysics simulation result is 3.378×10-5%. The optimization results using Killer Whale Algorithm (KWA) exhibits the net profit of ASP EOR increases up to 87.72% or net profit can be optimized from 9586.40 USD/day to 17995.19 USD/day.

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