
Intelligent manufacturing, as a product of the deep integration of manufacturing and information technology, is the core technology of the new round of industrial revolution. The new generation of artificial intelligence presents new features such as deep learning, cross-border integration, human-machine collaboration and group intelligence, which provides humans with a new way of thinking to understand complex systems and a new technology to transform nature and society. The deep integration of new generation Al technology and advanced manufacturing technology has formed a new generation of intelligent manufacturing technology, which has become the core technology of the new round of industrial revolution and is the core driver of the fourth industrial revolution. However, the metallurgical industry is still in the key stage of transformation of the first generation of intelligent manufacturing (i.e. digital manufacturing), and the application of new generation of artificial intelligence technology is still in the primary stage. In order to catch up with the wave of the new round of technological revolution, it is urgent to summarize and analyze the key technologies of new generation of intelligent manufacturing with the industry characteristics of metallurgical industry. This paper analyzes the current development status of metallurgical industry, and analyzes and explores the application of new generation of key technologies of intelligent manufacturing such as intelligent machine tools, intelligent inspection technology, digital twin and 3D printing technology in metallurgical industry, which has certain practical significance for the transformation and upgrading of metallurgical industry for intelligent transformation, and can be used as a reference for relevant personnel.

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