
This participatory action study is aimed at identifying the adaptation level of traditional batik craftsmen in developing batik motif designs using jBatik software technology. The research participants consist of 10 traditional batik craftsmen, three from the innovators group and seven from the adopters group located in Kerek District, Tuban Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The application of jBatik technology will be carried out using the Diffusion of Innovation theory which divides the process stages into 5, namely the knowledge stage, persuasion stage, decision stage, implementation stage, and confirmation stage. The results of the theory application resulted in 4 things. First the knowledge about various social system variables and the characteristics of the innovation recipients. Second, the design of the communication model to include knowledge about the innovation of batik motif design as a result of the JBatik software. Third, the results of the simulation of the application of batik motif designs produced by the jBatik software with craftsmen. Fourth, validation of the simulation results of the application of batik motif design innovations by craftsmen by people who had the ability to measure the level of absorption of innovation, so that the level of adaptation of traditional craftsmen to the technological challenges of the jbatik device could be identified. This study contributes to determining the level of knowledge and basic skills possessed by traditional batik craftsmen to serve as a starting point in deciding innovation strategies to be solutions that can be implemented by them.

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