
Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon under extreme conditions such as high salinity, temperature and pH was difficult due to unavailability of potential bacterial strains. The present study details the efficiency of extremophilic bacterial consortium in biodegradation of different petroleum hydrocarbons and treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater under extreme condition. Extreme condition for the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons was optimized at 8% salinity, pH-10 and temperature-60 °C. The consortium recorded complete degradation of low molecular weight (LMW) petroleum hydrocarbons (200 ppm) such as anthracene, phenanthrene, fluorene and naphthalene in 8 days under optimized extreme condition. High molecular weight (HMW) hydrocarbons such as pyrene (100 ppm), benzo(e)pyrene (20 ppm), benzo(k)fluoranthene (20 ppm) and benzo(a)pyrene (20 ppm), revealed 93%, 60%, 55% and 51% degradation by the extremophilic consortium under optimized extreme condition. The extremophilic consortium mineralized fluorene (61%) at high saline condition up to 24%. Addition of yeast extract potently accelerated the biodegradation under extreme condition. Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater in continuous stirred tank reactor recorded 92% COD removal with complete removal of LMW hydrocarbons in 16 days and 91% of HMW hydrocarbons in 32 days under extreme condition. The hydrocarbons degrading extremophilic consortium possessed Ochrobactrum, Bacillus, Marinobacter, Pseudomonas, Martelella, Stenotrophomonas and Rhodococcus.

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