
The article presents the study of the structure and dynamics of innovative activity of the organizations in the oil and gas regions of the Volga Federal District that trigger their industrial development. The defining role in the gross value added structure of the oil and gas region belongs to such types of economic activity as mining and manufacturing industries. Primarily they include petrochemical complex and the interacting production structures that predominate in the economics of the oil and gas region reducing the importance of such sectors of the economy as construction, agriculture, trade, transport, etc. The author has analyzed the structure and dynamics of capital and operating costs of scientific fundamental and applied research on innovative production technologies in oil and gas regions of the Volga Federal District. The article involves the study of the innovation potential of oil and gas regions based on the analysis of the proportion and innovative activity of the organizations implementing technological innovations, costs of innovation activity, and the structure of budget expenditures for innovation activities of oil and gas regions depending on the total innovation costs. The author presents the variants of cluster organization of innovative horizontal industrial policy of oil and gas regions.

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