
Western universities have been using information and communication technologies (ICTs) for educational and management purposes for decades. Since the last decade, Azerbaijani government has been investing on ICTs infrastructure of Azerbaijan’s educational institutions as one of the key priorities of government’s education policy. In this regard, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) has been one of the leading state universities in application and usage of new ICTs in the country. This research concentrates on identifying various areas of ICTs deployment, obstacles, and benefits of using ICTs in teaching, learning and university management at higher education institution level in Azerbaijan. The research was conducted at Azerbaijan State University of Economics, the largest economic profiled university in Azerbaijan. The population of this research consists of students, university academics, and staff. The results of research are reported in the following: 1. Identification of areas of ICTs application at university level 2. Obstacles regarding the implementation of ICTs at university level 3. Benefits of using ICTs in teaching, learning and university management 4. Recommendations for future studies

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