
[Purpose]Using 4G technology for spatial data mining, discussed in view of the high precision irrigation fuzzy spatial data mining and intelligent decision making involved in issues related to intelligent decision support system is used in this paper. [Method] Put forward by combining fuzzy clustering analysis method of the transitive closure method and digital image processing in the eight connected through calendar calculation method, so as to realize precise irrigation spatial fuzzy clustering. In order to solve the problem of irrigation with high accuracy, put forward the corresponding fuzzy clustering high dimensional spatial data and optimization algorithm. [Results] The conclusion through the experiment, on the premise of ensuring agricultural irrigation, irrigation system optimization system, can realize saving more than 20% of irrigation water use, optimizing irrigation system is very necessary. [Conclusions] By using spatial clustering new irrigation technology, such as high accuracy for precision irrigation on spatial fuzzy clustering analysis, and put forward general principles about high precision accuracy of irrigation and the method, thus achieving high accuracy irrigation application and spread.

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