
Artificial recharge is a practical tool available for increasing the groundwater storage capacity. The efficiency of artificial recharge is related to various hydrogeological factors of the target area. In this study, a variable saturated groundwater flow model, FEMWATER, was used to evaluate the arrival times of recharged water that infiltrates from an artificial recharge pond to the groundwater table under various hydrogeological conditions. Forty-five arrival times were generated by FEMWATER. The relationships between the arrival times and hydrogeological factors used in the simulation of FEMWATER were analyzed by the grey correlation method. The results show the order of importance of the factors as they influence the arrival time. In order from high to low importance, they are α, D g, θ e, D p, K S and β. D g and D p are interpreted as the potential for movement of the recharge water; θe is the water storage capacity of soil, and K S represents the ability of soil to transport water. α and β describe the characteristic curve of the unsaturated soil. The method was applied to evaluate a suitable site for artificial recharge in the Yun-Lin area. Grey correlation analysis was performed to obtain the grey correlation grade using the minimum arrival time as a reference sequence. An index is proposed herein to determine the recharge efficiency of 20 sampling sites. A contour mapping of index values at the 20 sampling sites identified three areas for artificial aquifer recharge in Yun-Lin. Area A in the upper plain is considered more appropriate for groundwater recharge than areas B and C in the coast.

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