
Pengpeng Beach, near Niaoyu Fishing Harbor, is an offshore sandbar that formed on the west side of Niaoyu Island in Penghu County, Taiwan, in 1995. Due to siltation, Pengpeng Beach also forms a sandbar tail that stretches toward the Niaoyu Fishing Harbor, meaning the Niaoyu Fishing Harbor and its navigation channel are facing serious siltation problems. This study aimed to find a solution for the siltation problem of the area by utilizing geotextile tubes, which are an economical material in terms of their material and construction cost, as well as being ecologically friendly in terms of their carbon emissions during production and transportation. Based on numerical simulations, location candidates for placing silt trap facilities were tested, selected, and modified to develop alternative mitigation plans. Evaluation of the mitigation plans was based on (1) the silt mitigation effect; (2) engineering cost; (3) public acceptance; and (4) impact on the surrounding landscape. The results showed that the proposed silt mitigation plan would be effective, and the plan was accepted by the local residents and government.

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