
225 men employed in the oil industry of the Tomsk and Tyumen Regions of Siberia, the Russian Federation, have been examined. It has been established that the frequency of micronucleated buccal epithelial cells and concentrations of urino-excreted benzapyrene in the workers were significantly higher then in the control group. The highest levels of the indices, including the increased frequency of cells with a large micronucleus (more than 3 pm 2 in diameter), were observed in the individuals with mutant alleles of GSTM1 gene. There has been established a correlation between the frequency of micronucleated cells and the concentrations of benzapyrene in urine. The activation of mutation process in the oil industry workers is presumed to be a result of combined effects of various factors on the genome including not only strong mutagens, but also co-mutagens. It should become a base for implementation of the new, scientifically based criteria for hiring personnel for oil industry works in Siberia.

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