
Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) is a rapidly developing technique that has made substantial progress in the fabrication of constructs for cartilage tissue engineering (CTE) over the past decade. With this technique, cell-laden hydrogels or bio-inks have been extruded onto printing stages, layer-by-layer, to form three-dimensional (3D) constructs with varying sizes, shapes, and resolutions. This paper reviews the cell sources and hydrogels that can be used for bio-ink formulations in CTE application. Additionally, this paper discusses the important properties of bio-inks to be applied in the EBB technique, including biocompatibility, printability, as well as mechanical properties. The printability of a bio-ink is associated with the formation of first layer, ink rheological properties, and crosslinking mechanisms. Further, this paper discusses two bioprinting approaches to build up cartilage constructs, i.e., self-supporting hydrogel bioprinting and hybrid bioprinting, along with their applications in fabricating chondral, osteochondral, and zonally organized cartilage regenerative constructs. Lastly, current limitations and future opportunities of EBB in printing cartilage regenerative constructs are reviewed.


  • EExxttrruussion-Based BioprintingRapid prototyping (RP), known as solid freeform fabrication, refer to a series of techniques that manufacture objects through sequential delivery of eennergy aanndd//oorr mmaatteerriiaall iinn a layer-by-layer manner per computer aided design (CAD) data

  • Bioprinting of personalized complex tissue grafts is promising for overcoming the current challenges of cartilage tissue engineering (CTE)

  • Current cartilage constructs are mainly printed based on two approaches: (i) direct printing of cartilage constructs from bio-inks and (ii) alternating printing of bio-inks and thermoplastic-polymer network

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EExxttrruussion-Based Bioprinting

Rapid prototyping (RP), known as solid freeform fabrication, refer to a series of techniques that manufacture objects through sequential delivery of eennergy aanndd//oorr mmaatteerriiaall iinn a layer-by-layer manner per computer aided design (CAD) data. TThhee exteerrnnaall shaappee andd internaall architectuurree of the scaffold can bbee ddeefifinneeddbbyyeeitithheerr33DDccoommppuuteterrmmooddeleslsororclcinliinciaclailmimagaignigngdadtat(ae.(ge.,gt.h, ethdeedfeecftecatreaareoaf othf ethpeaptiaetnitencatncabne bsecasncnanednebdy bmyamgnaegtnicetriecsroensaonncaenicme aimginagionrgcoormcopmutpedutteodmtogmroapghrayp) h[1y7),[1187],.1O8]n. Amongg various RP techniques, EBB stands oouutt ffoorr iittss uunniqiquuee aaddvvaannttaaggeess. IItt aalllloowwss for production of 3D tissue constructs from bio-inks by a layer-by-layer deposition process in a designed way [19]. EEBBBBaallssooaallloowwssffoorrhhiigghheerrcceelllsseeeeddininggddeennssitityy,,hhiigghheerrpprriinnttiinnggssppeeeeddttoofafacciliiltitaatteessccaalalabbiliiltityy,, and relatively less process-induced cell damage compared to other techniques [20]. Oncneceththeebbioio-i-ninkkisispprrinintetedd, ,iittccaann bbee crosslinked by ionic, pphhoottoo,, aanndd//or thermaall ccrroosssslliinnkkiinnggmmeecchhaannisimsmss(F(iFgiugurere1). BBiioo--IInnkkss HHyyddrrooggeell pprreeccuurrssoorrss aanndd lliivviinngg cceellllss aarree ttwwoo iimmppoorrttaanntt ccoommppoonneennttss ooff bbiioo--iinnkk ffoorrmmuullaattiioonnss. CCeellll ssoouurrcceess aanndd hhyyddrrooggeell ttyyppeess eemmppllooyyeedd ffoorr eennccaappssuullaattiinngg cchhoonnddrrooggeenniicc cceellllss aarree rreevviieewweedd bbeellooww

Applicable Cell Sources
Applicable Hydrogel-Forming Polymers for Formulating Bio-Inks
First-Layer Formation
Shear Thinning
Crosslinking Mechanisms
Cartilage Constructs Bioprinting Approaches
Self-Supporting Hydrogel Bioprinting
Hybrid Bioprinting
Zonal Cartilage Bioprinting
Current Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research
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