
Abstract Azevedo, M., Duarte, R., Cardador, F., Sousa, P., Fariña, C., Sampedro, P., Landa, J., and Costas, G. 2008. Application of dynamic factor analysis in the assessment of Iberian anglerfish stocks. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65: 1362–1369. Dynamic factor analysis (DFA) was applied to six time-series of catch per unit effort data of the Iberian (ICES Divisions VIIIc and IXa) white anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) and black anglerfish (L. budegassa). Results showed that grouping the abundance indices reflected the fleet's area of exploitation and fish size selection. Two common trends (CTs) were extracted for each species, capturing the main signal of abundance over time. The white anglerfish was assessed using these CTs as input to the biomass dynamic model currently used in the ICES assessment, to investigate whether the approach would reduce the uncertainty in parameter estimates and related quantities. Using the CTs, bias estimates are lower. The current perception of an overexploited stock is unchanged, but a much lower intrinsic rate of biomass increase was estimated, indicating that the biomass recovery might be much slower. A lower maximum sustainable yield, ∼3600 t, was obtained, and this is more consistent with the historical landings trajectory. The application of DFA to stock assessment of anglerfish, presented here for the first time, can be extended to age-based assessments.

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