
Utilizing data visualization facilitates the analysis and comprehension of common data provided by the media, individuals, governments, and other sectors. Python is a well-known programming language that excels at scientific data visualization. This thesis utilizes a variety of Python modules, including Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, and Bokeh, to illustrate female genital mutilation. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate female genital mutilation and explain its performance pattern using a complex, interactive diagram that integrates multiple types of Python libraries. In comparison to other libraries, Plotly is the simplest, yet it performs at the highest level. NumPy and Matplotlib are combined to produce Hexbins charts. NumPy provides an N-dimensional plot, and Matplotlib allows for the plot's colours to be customized. Despite its limited customization options, the Seaborn library is suitable for both data visualization and statistical modelling. Due to this deficiency, the Seaborn library is frequently combined with Matplotlib to generate superior visualizations. As a result, this thesis will be recommended to both specialists and novices as worthwhile reading. In addition, it will assist the government in drafting legislation to end female genital mutilation. They will comprehend the significance of combining multiple Python modules to generate intricate interactive diagrams for data visualization in the field of data science. This information will be posted online to contribute to the corpus of knowledge.

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