
Objective To explore the technique of massive facial scar revision. Methods All 12 patients in the group were treated with expanded deltopectoral skin flap. In the primary surgery, expander was implanted underneath deltopectoral flap region through an incision inferior to the clavi-cle. The skin perforators of transverse cervical artery and thoracoacromial artery were ligated during surgery, and the internal thoracic artery was carefully preserved. After the deltopectoral skin flap was fully expanded, the second surgery was performed and the facial scar was released and the normal ana-tomic position of eyes, nose and month was restored. The deltopectoral skin flap was planed according to the size of the defect. The excised facial scar was converted to the flap pedicle and a hinge-like con-nection was formed. The flap was delayed and three weeks after the second surgery, the pedicle was divided. The flap from the pedicle was applied for the mental region scar revision. Results Unilateral or bilateral dehopectoral skin flaps were employed for the repair of extensive facial scar in 12 patients. Satisfactory results were achieved in all these patients. Conclusion Expanded deltopectoral skin flap is a good technique for the repair of extensive facial scar. Key words: Facial; Scar; Expansion technique; Repair; Deltopectoral skin flap

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