
This paper is about efficient use of smart dc grid technology for photovoltaic distributed generation and utilizing it in smart way, to build infrastructure more reliable and to achieve the goal to cater the need for tomorrow. As there are many conversion losses from ac to dc, world is moving towards dc appliances as most of the electronic appliances at home accept dc power supply. Receiving dc power from Photovoltaic solar, it is clear there would be benefits in avoiding the conversion losses, especially when most of the devices used at home run on dc. This benefit is further enhanced if dc is directly used for lighting, electric vehicle charging, Digital equipment etc. PV solar energy produces dc power and if used directly then power loss will be minimized. Exact calculation of solar panels and proper battery sizing leads to a reliable distributed generation system. 240Vdc grid will also help to minimize the power transmission losses for up rise buildings, this will further enhance the system efficiency. Proper selection of wire minimizes the electric corrosion. Series and parallel combination of PV and battery cells will enhance the use of suitable power supply for each electronic device. Other side where ac supply is required 240Vdc directly converts to 240Vac for Ac machines such as conventional appliances in order to minimize transformer losses. This paper also presents an idea for smart load shedding techniques and its practical implementation in the form of smart dc Grid. Its various applications will enhance the functionality of a smart Dc grid on residential load.

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