
Objective: To describe development and student response to an undergraduate course focused on application of critical thinking (CT) to provocative topics in nutrition. Target Audience: Senior-level students enrolled in an accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics. Theory, Prior Research, Rationale: Accreditation guidelines for nutrition/dietetics programs espouse CT, but CT skill-development is often overlooked. We utilize Stage Theory of Critical Thinking Development to design a 3-credit CT course for nutrition/dietetics undergraduates. Description: Application of Critical Thinking to Nutrition Issues at the University of Pittsburgh is organized in two themes: influence of personal and professional bias on CT; and evaluating media in shaping perception of nutrition issues. Theme one topics include personal examination of weight bias, the Health at Every Size movement, and corporate sponsorship within the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In theme two, students review popular media and evaluate portrayal of nutrition issues with special attention to use of statistics and scientific accuracy. Evaluation is achieved through facilitated discussion and written assignments. Evaluation:Using a 5-point scale, 29 students indicated greatest interest in weight bias (mean1⁄44.24, SD1⁄40.87) and facilitated discussion of the role of processed food in development and prevention of obesity (mean1⁄44.41, SD1⁄40.68). Favorable increases in knowledge (mean1⁄4 4.00/5.00, SD1⁄41.00) and ability to navigate provocative topics and identify bias in free-response comments on university-administered course evaluation. Conclusions and Implications: CT skills are crucial for future nutrition professionals, CT theory suggests development is not automatic, but requires guidance. An initial step in CT development is personal examination, upon which skills are built to develop the accomplished thinker. Students viewed this unique course favorably. Funding: None.

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