
Critical thinking is an important skill in the 21st century and plays a major role in learning. This bibliometric research evaluates previous academic work on the use of Critical Thinking in mathematics education. Through Scopus analysis, research uses RStudio Biblioshiny and VosViewer to map research trends and search for new keywords. The results show an increase in publications of approximately 10.58% annually, reflecting growing interest in this topic. The Indonesian University of Education stands out as a productive research center in this field, with more than 25 related articles. "Journal of Physics: Conference Series" and "International Journal of Instruction" stand out as the most prolific publications, with "Soter et al. (2008)" having the highest number of citations, reaching 217 citations. Keywords such as systematic reviews, critical mathematics education, science technologies, and e-learning stand out as key trends, providing potential for further exploration in future research. This underscores the importance of continued research in applying Critical Thinking in mathematics education, indicating growing interest as well as areas requiring further focus for the development of critical skills in this context.

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