
In the acquisition of amplitude data, the inaccuracy of a signal with the occurrence of an unstable peak value of the amplitude in the data is called a fluctuation. This study uses High-High Fluctuation (HHF) signal data from the acquisition of Multi-Spectral Capacitive Sensors (MSCS) with Hydrogen Dioxide (H2O) and Hydrogen Dioxide (H2O) objects mixed with Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) that have been organized into a matrix form. The data acquisition results in previous studies have several parts that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The method used in this study applies the CNN method for image recognition of signal fluctuations of type HHF from H2O and H2O mixed with NaOH, using the architecture known as AlexNet. Then, the H2O and H2O data groups mixed with NaOH were grouped into training data groups of 280 image data for each data type, and 70 image data for test data for both groups. During the training stage, the number of epochs used is 20. However, by the time the number of epochs reaches 15, the accuracy rate is already high, reaching 98%. Furthermore, at the testing stage, the CNN program can correctly recognize the entire 70 image data for both materials, achieving perfect recognition for the total amount of the two materials.

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