
With the advent of the information age and deepening popularization, computer technology has penetrated into all walks of life, especially into the traditional textile industry. With the rapid development of computer technology and the development needs of the textile industry, new computer technology continues to integrate into the textile industry and promote its development. The emergence and widespread of information technology represented by computer technology has greatly changed people’s life and production mode, especially for the traditional textile industry. The introduction and use of information technology has changed the design concept and mode of traditional textiles, and promoted the brand new development of textile industry. As far as the textile industry is concerned, market competition is often determined by product competition, which is mainly influenced by product design. Advanced computer technology has greatly changed the development of the traditional textile industry, making the textile industry gradually toward a new world. Therefore, the application of computer technology in textile design and testing is discussed and its development prospect in the whole textile industry is discussed on this basis.

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