
Chitosan lactate was impregnated as an antimicrobial additive into low density polyethylene (LDPE) with different concentrations. The antimicrobial effectiveness was tested with three pathogenic bacteria, specifically Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis. Also, these chitosan incorporated films were applied on red meat surfaces to determine the effectiveness of chitosan on color shelf life extension and microbial growth inhibition. Chitosan was exposed to 0.1% peptone water containing the three pathogens in separate tests and inhibited microbial growth a higher levels with increasing concentration of chitosan in the film matrix. Oxygen permeability was not affected by the incorporation of chitosan, while the water vapor permeability increased with the addition of chitosan. Film elongation decreased with the addition of chitosan. When chitosan incorporated films were applied on fresh red meat, microorganisms on the meat surface were not inhibited but significant extension of red color shelf life were observed in refrigerated, sliced red meats.

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