
A promising scope of modern scientific research is the use of autologous and allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells for regeneration of periodontal tissues. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nature of morphological changes in the pathologically altered periodontal tissues after injection of a biotransplant containing mesenchymal stem cells of the adipose tissue immobilized on a collagen carrier in an animal experiment. In the experiment, 60 randobbred females of white rats were used as a model, whose adipose tissue was taken to obtain allogenic mesenchymal stem cells. All animals were divided into 5 groups, depending on the planned method of treatment – 10 rats each. The control group consisted of 10 laboratory animals with healthy gingiva. The experimental gingival recession model was created by the V-shaped excision of periodontal tissues. The bioplastic collagen material “Collost” gel 7 % in isolated form determines the fibrosis intensification and serves as a “matrix” for the formation of a fibrous tissue, ensures the adhesion of stem cells and their transformation into pro- and fibroblasts. Injection of a cell transplant suspension into physiological saline activates the processes of cell proliferation and transformation of fibroblast differentiating cells. Suspension of the cell transplant on a sterile bioplastic collagen material “Collost” gel 7 % enhances the effects of gel and stem cells, promotes the leveling of atrophic and dystrophic changes in the gum, strengthening a mechanical component, reducing the recession of the gum and the depth of the gingival pocket.


  • The aim of the study was to evaluate the nature of morphological changes

  • pathologically altered periodontal tissues after injection of a biotransplant containing mesenchymal stem cells of the adipose tissue immobilized on a collagen carrier in an animal experiment

  • 60 randobbred females of white rats were used as a model

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На 14-е сутки в группе II на верхней челюсти десневая борозда глубокая, десневой канал узкий На 14-е сутки в группе III на верхней челюсти десневая борозда неглубокая, десневой канал умеренно расширен, в его просвете геля нет. СП свободной части десны: рыхлая неоформленная волокнистая ткань, отечная, с умеренно и сильно выраженной эктазией и полнокровием капилляров и венул и диффузным серозно-продуктивным воспалением, слабо и умеренно выраженным, в большей степени – на уровне дна десневого канала. Представлен узким тяжем рыхлой волокнистой ткани с перифокальной узловатой гиперплазией эпителиоидных клеток с мелким очагом начинающейся фиброплазии.

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