
Biofloc technology (BFT) is an innovative technology which is based upon zero or minimal water exchange where heterotrophic bacteria which consume organic carbon are grown on unconsumed feed, fish excreta and inorganic nitrogenous products resulting in the removal of these unwanted components from the water. The present study demonstrates the effective application of Biofloc technology to culture Indian Major Carps (mainly C. mrigala and L. rohita) in semi-indoor conditions with less water requirements. After conducting the study for a period of 6 months, relationship between length-weight was derived in both the fishes. The value of ‘b’ showed an increase with 2.8701 (in C. mrigala) and 2.7567 (in L. rohita) after the study period. The value of Kn lied within the range of 0.9545-1.0511 (in C. mrigala) and 0.925-1.01 (in L. rohita). Coefficient of determination (R2) and correlation coefficient (r) were prominent with R2=0.9071 (r=0.952) and R2=0.9517 (r=0.975) in C. mrigala and L. rohita respectively. The findings of the current study demonstrates that IMC can be reared effectively using this technique rather than going for large scale culture where cost of feed and space limitation is a major problem.

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