
As part of the reduction of environmental emissions of tractors, combines and agricultural machinery when performing work in the agroindustrial complex, including in closed complexes for the cultivation of animals (livestock farms). The article presents proposals to improve the environmental characteristics of the diesel engine used in tractors of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation. The effectiveness of the use of bioadditives from rapeseed oil for diesel engines is considered. The main directions of reducing emissions of toxic components of exhaust gases due to the addition of rapeseed oil to diesel fuel are indicated. The necessity of using bioadditives in diesel fuel to reduce emissions of CO, CH, and exhaust gases from diesel tractors when operating indoors is substantiated. A mixed fuel was used for the research. To get a mixed fuel, we mixed diesel fuel (DT) with rapeseed oil (RM). Based on the performed preliminary studies and these works, mixed fuel was prepared in the following proportions - 25% RM : 75% DT, 50% RM : 50 %DT, 75%RM : 25%DT. Rapeseed oil was obtained at ZAO Zelenogradskoye in the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow Region. The farm produces rapeseed seeds for the production of rapeseed oil, which is later used both for the confectionery industry and for livestock feed. Experimental studies have shown that the lowest content of CO, CH, in exhaust gases from diesel engines running on biofuels (25% RM:75% DT) and (50% RM:50% DT).

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