
Developmental gynecology uses methods practiced in auxology - the science of human ontogenetic development.An important and jointly used concept in gynecology and auxology is the concept of developmental age, which, unlikecalendar age, is a measure of the biological maturity of the organism, indicating the stage of advancement in the developmentof certain features or body systems. Developmental age assessment methods include: a) morphological (somatic)age - body height and weight, b) secondary sex characteristics - breast in girls, genitalia (penis and testes) in boys, andpubic hair in both sexes, c) bone age - hand and wrist x-ray, and d) dental age. An important marker of developmentalage is also age at menarche, treated as a late indicator of puberty in girls. All of these methods are useful in the context ofassessing regularity and disorders of puberty, such as delayed puberty. The paper discusses developmental age assessmentmethods that can be used to diagnose delayed puberty as well as the causes of delayed puberty in girls. It should be emphasizedthat in assessing the process of physical development of a given individual, the cooperation of specialists in the fieldof developmental gynecology, pediatrics, auxology, dentistry, endocrinology, and dietetics would be the most desirable.

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