
Blackground: With the advent of AI technology, great strides have been made in the realm of animal healthcare. This article delves into the numerous uses of AI in veterinary medicine and demonstrates its revolutionary potential in the field. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have shown impressive skills in illness detection, using medical imaging analysis to help veterinarians discover and categorise diseases with greater accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, predictive analytics algorithms use various data sources, such as electronic health records and genetic profiles, to recognise trends and forecast illness outbreaks, allowing veterinarians to remotely monitor vital signs and act swiftly paving the way for preventative measures and individualised treatment. Methods: The purpose of this article is to offer a synopsis of the many ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to improve the health and well-being of animals. Understanding the effects of AI in animal healthcare and setting the stage for its further development will be accomplished via an examination of the present state of the subject. Results: It is evident that through mountains of data from studies and clinical trials, AI is helping to speed up the discovery of novel treatments and improve the understanding of animal health. A responsible and useful application of AI in animal healthcare requires the establishment of ethical concerns, data protection, and regulatory frameworks. Method: This document provides a synopsis of the many ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to improve the health and well-being of animals.

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