
Nowadays, the construction industry faces numerous problems, among which, managing construction and demolition waste are of key concern. As this waste is a threat to the environment and it demands significant financial resources to be tackled. Though human being can think in multi-dimension, but to consider all the contributing attributes for waste management is beyond its limit. For this purpose, there has been always a need of a artificial intelligence (AI) which could help in directing towards the management of the produced waste. Generation of construction and demolition (C&D) waste is unavoidable in any circumstance and handling this waste is always a menace to the managers. This requires high technicalities and a huge amount of resources to be spent on proper waste control. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for an effective construction waste management system (EMS) by application of artificial intelligence (AI), which could decide a suitable technique to be implemented on the produced waste. A comprehensive review of waste generation attributes, waste management techniques, and adaptability & feasibility is carried out to identify loopholes and limitations of each technique. The proposed EMS will help the construction practitioners to apply the most suitable, most viable, most feasible and most economical waste management technique to control on-site construction and demolition waste, based on its own capacity and type of waste.

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