
Implant infections have become a major obstacle to implant failure. Although traditional antibiotic treatments have provided a solution to some extent, conventional antibiotic drug treatments fail to eradicate bacteria and even cause antibiotic resistance. Therefore, the development of biomedical implants employing antimicrobial coatings becomes the focus of more and more research. Nanomaterials, with their excellent biocompatibility and unique antimicrobial properties, have been widely used in biomedical devices. This paper focuses on the application of nanocoatings in biomedical implants and the introduction of potential surface functionalization materials for implants. This paper will analyze metals as well as their oxide nanoparticles and 2d-nanomaterial-based Nanocoatings with antimicrobial properties. It is also essential to highlight how these nanoparticles can deal with biofilm infections and achieve antimicrobial properties. In addition, the article describes different nanoparticle coating strategies that provide a variety of options for the design of antimicrobial coatings for implants. In conclusion, nanotechnology provides clues to solve the problem of biomedical implant infections, reduces the risk of infection, and generates more reliable and effective treatments for patients.

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