
To discuss the application of anterior region suture of the popliteal hiatus (PH) under arthroscopy in the treatment of discoid lateral meniscus (DLM) injury with instability in the popliteal tendon region. The clinical data of 53 patients (56 knees) with DLM injury who met the selection criteria between March 2014 and November 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 15 males and 38 females, aged 8-55 years with an average age of 36.5 years. Fourteen cases had a history of trauma, while the remaining 39 cases had no clear history of trauma. The disease duration ranged from 1 day to 6 years, with an average duration of 15.6 months. According to the Watanabe classification, there were 40 knees of complete type and 16 knees of incomplete type. The preoperative International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) knee joint score was 51.2±8.3, the Lysholm score was 59.6±11.2, and the visual analogue scale (VAS) score was 4.7±1.3. After the arthroscopic meniscal plasty, the instability of the popliteal tendon region meniscus was checked by probing traction. Subsequently, the Out-inside technique or a combination of Out-inside and All-inside techniques was used to suture the anterior region of the PH. The stability of the meniscus after suturing was assessed, and if necessary, further suturing using the All-inside technique at the posterior region of the PH, the posterior horn of the meniscus, and using the Out-inside technique at the anterior horn of the meniscus was performed. Postoperative complications were recorded. The effectiveness was evaluated using pre- and post-operative IKDC scores, Lysholm scores, and VAS scores. After operation, knee joint pain, crepitus, and locking disappeared, with McMurray and grinding tests turning negative. All patients were followed up 12-93 months with an average of 57.5 months. There was no complication such as common peroneal nerve injury, deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs, joint infection, or joint stiffness. At last follow-up, the IKDC knee joint score was 76.7±5.5, the Lysholm score was 94.0±4.1, and the VAS score was 1.1±0.8. The differences compared with preoperative scores were significant ( t=-22.090, P<0.001; t=-23.704, P<0.001; t=19.767, P<0.001). Suturing of the anterior region of the PH is crucial in the treatment of DLM injury with instability in the popliteal tendon region.

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