
A correction system for energy characteristics of gas turbine units (GTU) Siemens SGT-100 and Siemens SGT-300 has been developed. It includes a set of analytical and graphical dependencies of technical and economic indicators on each of the environmental parameters (ambient air temperature ta , relative air humidity ϕa, atmospheric pressure pat , etc.) and other external factors at fixed values of other conditions. The dependencies are obtained by mathematical processing of experimental data under various combinations of external factors. In practice, obtaining experimental data at fixed values of external factors on the operating equipment of the power plant is difficult, since there is always a change in the environmental parameters and technological parameters of the equipment being tested. In the present paper, this problem was solved by applying a small deviation method when processing test results. The dependence between the output characteristics of the object under study and the parameters of external factors was assumed to be linear in a relatively small range of changes in the parameters under study. The article presents the study results of the influence of environmental parameters on the gas turbine units performance by a small deviation method on the example of gas turbines Siemens SGT-100 (4.7 MW) and Siemens SGT-300 (7.9 MW). The calculations were performed using the experimental inspection results of a gas turbine power plant, the main equipment of which includes gas turbines Siemens SGT-100 (4.7 MW) and Siemens SGT-300 (7.9 MW). The inspection was conducted in order to develop regulatory and technical documentation on fuel use, including energy characteristics of equipment, a correction system for deviations of external factors, and models for calculating nominal and normative specific consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of electric energy.

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