
The task of improving the effectiveness of activities aimed at prompt receipt of information by students of Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology is solved by using the developed mobile application «Schedule of classes». Due to the heavy load on the University’s unified server, there are temporary delays in accessing the main site, which makes it inconvenient to use it. In this regard, there is a need to solve this problem by bringing the described process to partial autonomy. This approach will allow you to combine high performance due to the speed of the mobile operating system and expanding the functionality of both the application itself and the means of sending information from the management of the Institute to students. The purpose of this work is to study and analyze existing mobile applications of other universities, their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the research, develop a mobile application, agreeing with the Directorate of the Institute of Informatics and telecommunications tasks. This article presents the main aspects of the design and software solution. The software solution is implemented in the Android Studio integrated development environment in the Dart programming language, using the Flutter SDK.

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