
Recently, a novel kind of quantum key distribution called the round-robin differential phase-shift (RRDPS) protocol was proposed, which bounds the amount of leakage without monitoring signal disturbance. The protocol can be implemented by a weak coherent source. The security of this protocol with a simply characterized source has been proved. The application of a common phase shift can improve the secret key rate of the protocol. In practice, the randomized phase is discrete and the secret key rate is deviated from the continuous case. In this study, we analyze security of the RRDPS protocol with discrete-phase-randomized coherent state source and bound the secret key rate. We fix the length of each packet at 32 and 64, then simulate the secret key rates of the RRDPS protocol with discrete-phase randomization and continuous-phase randomization. Our simulation results show that the performance of the discrete-phase randomization case is close to the continuous counterpart with only a small number of discrete phases. The research is practically valuable for experimental implementation.

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