
Convergence rates of coupled electric field integral equation (EFIE) and thin dielectric sheet (TDS) surface integral equation is improved using a Calderon multiplicative preconditioner (CMP) for efficient analysis of densely discretised structures comprising perfect electric conductors and thin dielectric layers. When relative permittivity of the thin dielectric layer is not high, the integral operator for the TDS tends to have fast convergence rate than that of the EFIE because the TDS is derived from a volume EFIE that is well-posed. However, the integral operator for the EFIE is both unbounded and ill-posed when it is applied to densely discretised surfaces. Thus, the coupled EFIE and TDS integral equation have a slow convergence rate in an iterative solver. The proposed method shows fast convergence rate by application of the CMP to the EFIE–TDS. As a result, an iteration number in the iterative solver is reduced in the proposed method.

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