
化学需氧量是衡量水体中有机物量及污染程度的综合性指标,也是我国《地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)》的重要评价指标.然而,由于测定过程缓慢和使用了有毒有害试剂易于形成二次污染,现行标准的高锰酸钾和重铬酸钾化学需氧量测定方法无法做到环境友好,也不能反映当前快速和实时监测的技术需求.因此,迫切需要发展操作简便、快速高效、灵敏可靠、环境友好和环保绿色的化学需氧量替代检测方法.本文首先从文献计量学视角比较我国与世界上发达国家化学需氧量研究主题论文发文量,剖析了我国发展化学需氧量替代检测方法的迫切性.基于全国大范围65个湖库706个样本有色可溶性有机物吸收系数、化学需氧量和其他水质参数同步调查数据,构建广覆盖范围的有色可溶性有机物特征波长吸收系数和化学需氧量间高精度线性关系模型,确定了地表水环境质量评价的吸收系数阈值,模型可以广泛应用于不同类型(深水、浅水、大型、中型、小型)和不同营养状态(贫、中、富营养)湖库水体有机物浓度的定量表征,具有一定普适性.通过对比有色可溶性有机物吸收系数和传统的高锰酸钾、重铬酸钾法优势和不足,明确了有色可溶性有机物吸收系数替代化学需氧量用于湖库水体开展有机物表征和污染程度评价的可行性和应用前景.;Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a comprehensive index to measure the amount of organic matter and reflect pollution degree of organic matter in water. Meanwhile, COD is also an important assessment index of environmental quality standard for surface water (GB 3838-2002). However, due to time consuming, the use of toxic and harmful reagents in the determination process and the easiness to produce secondary pollution, the current potassium permanganate and potassium dichromate COD determination methods are not environmentally friendly and cannot reflect the current rapid and real-time technical requirements. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop a simple, rapid and efficient, sensitive and reliable, environmentally friendly and pollution-free green alternative detection method of COD. Firstly, from the perspective of bibliometrics by comparing total publication number of COD subject in China and the developed countries in the world, this study analyzes the urgency of developing alternative methods of COD in China. Based on the dataset of 706 samples covering a large range of COD concentration from 65 lakes and reservoirs in China, the high-precision linear relationship models between chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficient at 350 nm and 254 nm and COD concentration are constructed. In addition, the threshold and standard of CDOM absorption coefficient used to assess the surface water environmental quality was determined. Our linear models can be widely used to accurately and quantitatively characterize organic matter concentration and assess pollution degree in different types (deep and shallow water, large, medium and small area) and different trophic states (oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic) of lake and reservoir waters with certain universality. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of CDOM absorption coefficient and traditional COD measurement methods of potassium permanganate and potassium dichromate, this study demonstrates the feasibility and application prospect using CDOM absorption coefficient to substitute COD concentration for characterizing organic matter quantity and assess the pollution degree in lakes and reservoirs.

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