
Is the determination of the processing efficiency of rock waste using sodium-based inhibiting suspensions to normalize the thermal state of the waste? The problems were solved through methods of mathematical statistics, a method of environmental assessment of options for a technological solution, and x-ray fluorescence analysis of the rock waste samples before their processing using inhibiting suspensions and after it. Indicator analysis of rock waste processing by means of the sodium-based inhibiting suspensions helps elaborate recommendations to use them at the initial stage of the rock waste formation for the provision of ecological stability of mining regions. Relying upon the research results, it has become possible to propose new methods to process rock waste with the help of sodium group solutions owing to which environmental impact on chemical processes within interstitial space of the rock waste is leveled. For the first time, such sodium-based soda solutions as sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hydroxide have been proposed to process rock waste mass. For the first time, it has been identified that the use of sodium-based inhibiting suspensions while rock waste processing helps minimize its interaction with the environment as well as the thermal oxidation reactions of the rock waste. The research has helped identify interaction between the rock waste mass samples taking into consideration the environmental impact. The proposed methods to perform processing using sodium-based suspensions have been applied for the combined rock waste treatment to avoid environmental risks for mining areas and forecast a level of environmental impact on the rock waste processed with the help of sodium solutions. The abovementioned will help reduce the probability for the development of sulfuric acid zones as the factor favouring rock waste self-ignition processes.

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