
Materials and methods. Four amylopectin varieties Chabanivske, Zhyvynka (NSC Institute of Agriculture) and Osoblyve and Alternatyvne (Institute of Plant Industry named after V.Ya. Yuriev) were taken as experimental material. The main economically valuable characteristics of the varieties and their biochemical properties of grain were made in 2018–-2020. The main technological indicators of the dough and the assessment of the quality of bread from a mixture of spring wheat flour of the Myronivska variety and grain flour of the Chabanivske variety were carried out in accordance with the current methods. Millet flour was added to wheat flour in proportions of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0%.
 The purpose of our research was to study the main economically valuable traits, biochemical properties and resistance to 13 smut races of Ukrainian amylopectin varieties of millet and to determine the optimal percentage of adding millet flour to spring wheat flour to improve the quality of bread.
 The discussion of the results. According to the results of scientific work, it has been established that millet waxy varieties differ in their economically valuable characteristics. So, varieties Chabanivske and Zhyvynka have a short growing season, on average, 75 and 77 days, respectively, and varieties Osoblyve and Alternatyvne – 93 and 100 days, respectively. Due to the increased height of the plants of the Osoblyve and Alternatyvne varieties, they can also be grown for animal feed. In terms of biochemical parameters, modern amylopectin varieties did not differ significantly, but showed a high content of protein (13.50–14.0%) and carotenoids (4.8–5.6 mg/kg). Amylos-free starch genotypes varied significantly in terms of head smut resistance. Variety Chabanivske was affected by 13 smut races, varieties Alternatyvne and Osoblyve received 8 and 7 points in 1 and 10 races. Variety Zhyvynka showed high resistance to 8 smut races: Rs 1, Rs 4–Rs 7, Rs 9–Rs 11 – 9 points. The addition of flour from amylos-free starch millet improved the elasticity and extensibility of the dough, increased the balance of these physical properties of the dough with each other, improved the strength of the flour, but did not affect the sedimentation rate. Bread baked with the addition of 2.5% or 5.0% Chabanivske grain flour to the Myronivska spring wheat flour had a larger volume, better taste and appearance compared to the standard.
 Conclusions. Waxi varieties (Chabanivske, Zhyvynka, Osoblyve, Alternatyvne), were developed in Ukraine, are characterized by high economically valuable traits and high indicators of grain quality. The main use of these varieties is grain and fodder. The Zhyvynka variety is characterized by high resistance (9 points) to 8 races of smut (Rs 1, Rs 4–Rs 7, Rs 9–Rs 11). The addition of Chabanivske grade waxy-millet flour to wheat flour improves its baking qualities and the taste of bread, while the films are additional fiber that promotes digestion

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