
To avoid the necessity of having a large number of correlations to predict the dynamic properties of poly-dispersed fluidized bed systems, a statistical approach has been adopted in the present paper to get an expression which can predict such property from a knowledge of similar property of the individual species that constitute such heterogeneous bed. In the present paper, the dynamic property means any property that is associated with, or dependent on a term “velocity”, e.g., beginning elutriation velocity, u be; free settling velocity, u t; onset semifluidization velocity, u osf; expanded bed height, L e, etc. Based on 10,517 computations, embracing 5 different dynamic properties of liquidsolid fluidized bed systems and covering 13 different averaging formulae — similar to those, used to calculate average particle size for a poly-dispersed system — the following expression has been found to give the best fit: P=[ 1 σ ( X i P 3 i )] 1 3

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