
Early identification of pathogens causing bloodstream infection (BSI) is critical for prompt administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy. We used an in-house saponin-based extraction method to evaluate the performance of Bruker Biotyper MALDI-TOF MS system (MALDI Biotyper) for bacterial and fungal identification in 2013 positively-flagged VersaTREK blood culture bottles. A total of 180 monomicrobial and 23 polymicrobial positive blood cultures were investigated. Among monomicrobial positive blood cultures, the MALDI Biotyper recognized 90.6% and 81.7% of organisms directly from the flagged blood culture bottles to the genus and species levels, respectively. The MALDI Biotyper also correctly characterized one of the polymicrobial organisms to the species level in 20 (87%) bottles and to the genus level in 21 (91.3%) bottles. The overall identification rate using our protocol was 90.6% (184/203) and 82.3% (167/203) for genus and species levels, respectively. Identification accuracy was higher for Gram-positive than Gram-negative organisms and was the lowest for yeasts. Score values of identification were ≥1.500 for 200 (98.5%) bottles, ≥1.700 for 195 (96.1%) bottles and ≥2.000 for 182 (89.7%) bottles. Moreover, 83.5% and 92% of the isolates were identified precisely to species and genus level with the lower cutoff score of 1.500. Using our protocol also helped identifying BSI pathogens 18-24h earlier compared to the sub-cultured colonies. Using Bruker MALDI Biotyper for identification of isolates directly from positive VersaTREK blood culture bottles, our in-house saponin-based protocol provided a more rapid turn-around time for correct identification of BSI pathogens than the conventional methods.

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