
The deep digital flexor tendon apparatus is represented by the distal part of the deep digital flexor tendon, the distal digital annular ligament and podotrochlear bursa, being the part of the podotrochlear apparatus most prone to injuries. The purpose of this study was to develop a systematic ultrasonographic approach of this apparatus and to present the accuracy of the ultrasound exam in imaging this anatomical formation. The ultrasound exam was performed on 10 sound horses using the palmar and transcuneal approach. Detailed description of the transverse and longitudinal ultrasonographic images of this region is provided. The ultrasound of the foot has been done with a non-portable machine Aloka Prosound Alpha 10 (Aloka Co. Ltd., 6-22-1 Mure, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, 181, Japan). Convex and microconvex multifrequence transducers, with a frequency varying between 5.0 to 10.0 MHz have been used. This technique allowed us to image all the components of the deep digital flexor apparatus with the specification that it presents some limitations in examining the collateral parts of the distal deep digital flexor tendon and distal digital annular ligament. The main advantages of this technique are: low cost, short examination time and applicability in the field.

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