
The results of studies and use of apple varieties of natural breeding in the long-term breeding are given. At the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (RRIFCB), a large apple gene pool has been collected, which is presented by varieties and forms of diff erent genetic and geographical origin including a collection of natural breeding varieties. The purpose of these studies is to identify apple varieties of natural breeding that are the best in the main economic and biological parameters for use in breeding to create new varieties adapted to local conditions. It has been found that the varieties of natural breeding, as a rule, are characterized by valuable economic and biological traits, which provide them with high environmental adaptability. The use of varieties of natural breeding has been analyzed. We have revealed the varieties that are more often used as parent forms in breeding: ‘Antonovka Obyknovennaya’, ‘Borovinka’, ‘Papirovka’ and some others. The sources of the most valuable economically useful traits have been identifi ed, such as high winter hardiness, productivity, resistance to diseases, long storage life and improved biochemical composition of fruit. Tetraploid forms of ‘Papirovka’ have been studied for using as donors of diploid gametes. Tetraploid mutant of ‘Antonovka Obyknovennaya’, i.e. ‘Antonovka Ploskaya’ has been studied. The description of apple varieties of natural breeding, which can yet be met in old orchards of Central Russia, is given. 20 apple varieties obtained with using varieties of natural breeding have been created at RRIFCB and included in the State register of breeding achievements. Varieties ‘Avgusta’, ‘Bolotovskoye’, ‘Vavilovskoye’, ‘Imrus’, ‘Osipovskoye’, ‘Svezhest’ and ‘Yablochny Spas’ already occupy large areas in the commercial orchards.

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