
Abstract Treatments were applied to single-tree plots in a randomized block design consisting of 3 replicates of ‘Yorking’ and 2 replicates of ‘Golden Delicious’. The trees were spaced 10 × 20 ft apart and were 20 years old. All treatments were applied with a Myers Mity Mist sprayer calibrated to deliver 100 gpa, driven at 2 mph. Spray dates were 1 and 13 Jul. Approximately 2 cm of rain fell within 2 h after the first application. All plots received a regular maintenance schedule of fungicides (Topsin 85DF, Captan 50WP, Nova 40WP, and Penncozeb 80WP) and nutrients (Solubor and CaCl). Post-bloom insecticides (Guthion 35WP, Lannate 1.8L) were applied as needed at 1- to 2-week intervals beginning at petal-fall in early May. Effectiveness of treatments on ERM and ZM was evaluated by counting these mites at approximately weekly intervals during the season on samples of 25 leaves/tree, 125 leaves/treatment. SP was observed by making 3 minute counts of adults and larvae around the periphery of the trees. Russet rating was based on 30 Golden Delicious apples/replicate, 60/treatment. Fruits were rated as 0 (no russet), 1 (raised lenticels), 2 (1-10%) russeted surface), 3 (11-25% russeted surface), 4 (26-50% russeted surface), or 5 (>51% russeted surface).

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