
Abstract Dilute sprays were applied with a hand sprayer (450 psi) at pink (9 May), petal fall (26 May), and as cover sprays on 14 Jun, 29 Jun, 10 Jul, 26 Jul, 7 Aug, and 20 Aug. Treatments of the standard compound, Guthion, were applied at pink, and petal fall through sixth cover. Comply and CGA-59205 were applied at pink and first cover and Guthion 3F was applied alone in the other sprays (petal fall and second through sixth cover). Several schedules of V71639 were compared; (1) A complete seasonal schedule applied at pink, petal fall, and in the first through sixth cover sprays. (2) A pink and first cover spray. (3) A petal fall and second cover spray. Guthion 3F was applied alone to fill in the other normal spray intervals in the reduced programs (2 & 3) of V71639. Treatments were replicated 3 times on a single tree plot of ‘McIntosh’ apples and arranged in a RCB design. Damage from early-season plum curculio and the first generation of codling moth were estimated by sampling 100 apples on the tree in each replication on 5 Jul. At harvest (6-12 Sep) 100 apples from each replication were evaluated for insect damage. ERM and predaceous mites were sampled on 25 randomly selected leaves/replication on 4 Aug. On 6 Jul (7 days post-treatment) aphids were counted on the second or third distal leaf on each of 10 actively growing terminals in each replication. WALH were counted on 25 spur leaves on 29 Aug. First generation STLM tissue mines were counted on 25 fruit clusters from the ‘McIntosh’ trees in each replication on 21 June. Second generation STLM tissue mines were counted on the six distal leaves on 10 randomly selected “hardened off” terminals/replication on 29 Aug.

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