
On June 25, President Clinton approved stria new national ambient air quality standards for ozone and particulate matter. Within hours, the standards and the Administration were being attacked by industry, some members of Congress, and the nation's mayors. These opponents of the air standards have vowed to keep on fighting them. Supporters of the standards, including most environmental and public health groups, have done some muscle flexing of their own, promising to make sure the standards survive whatever legal and legislative assaults their opponents can muster. EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner, who has steadfastly supported the standards, called the president's move major step forward for protecting the health of the people of this country. In contrast, Jerry Jasinowski, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, blasted Clinton: The Administration has chosen to put a political agenda ahead of either sound science or economic growth, he said. The new standards will inflict terrib...

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