
The development of digitalization spheres increases the value of such a resource as information. Legal regulation of aggregator sites, where information is collected and provided to a wide range of users with the ability to evaluate and rank marketable information (description of services/goods, establishment of rating indicators) is insufficient. The analysis of judicial practice and the identified problems of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation when referring to aggregators of market information require special attention in the issues of medical services. The aim and objectives of the study are to analyze the possibilities of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of professionals providing medical services when applying to aggregators of market information – specialized websites of service consumers. Research methods: general scientific methods of cognition (comparison, description, analysis, synthesis, etc.), special-legal (legal-dogmatic, legal modeling). It should be emphasized that the process of digitalization has a significant impact on most spheres of life of society, in this regard, it was necessary to turn to communicative and anthropological approaches to analyze the impact of digital technologies on the process of development of communications in society. As a result, the conclusions were made about the recognition of the complexity of legislation, which combines norms of public and private legal nature regulating the public relations under study, the need to improve the tools of interaction between subjects in the field of digital reality (owners, operators of sites-aggregators of conjectural information and consumers of services, professionals and organizations providing medical services), the introduction of changes in the norms of legislation in order to eliminate different interpretations and possible conflicts of law.

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