
We numerically study the dynamics on the ergodic side of the many-body localization transition in a periodically driven Floquet model with no global conservation laws. We describe and employ a numerical technique based on the fast Walsh-Hadamard transform that allows us to perform an exact time evolution for large systems and long times. As in models with conserved quantities (e.g., energy and/or particle number) we observe a slowing down of the dynamics as the transition into the many-body localized phase is approached. More specifically, our data is consistent with a subballistic spread of entanglement and a stretched-exponential decay of an autocorrelation function, with their associated exponents reflecting slow dynamics near the transition for a fixed system size. However, with access to larger system sizes, we observe a clear flow of the exponents towards faster dynamics and can not rule out that the slow dynamics is a finite-size effect. Furthermore, we observe examples of non-monotonic dependence of the exponents with time, with dynamics initially slowing down but accelerating again at even larger times, consistent with the slow dynamics being a crossover phenomena with a localized critical point.

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