
Apparent parasitism of silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, by Encarsia spp. and Eretmocerus spp. was surveyed on several crop and weed species in southern Florida from 1990 to 1995. Apparent parasitism levels varied between crops, seasons, and years, but generally were high on okra and cotton among crops, lantana and Spanish needles among weeds. E. pergandiella Howard was the most dominant parasitoid species (43.7‐100%), whereas incidence of E. transvena (Timberlake), E. nigricephala Dozier, E. quaintancei Howard, and Eretmocerus nr. californicusHoward varied by host plant and location. A greater proportion of B. argentifolii was parasitized by E. pergandiella on tomato than on collard and eggplant in a greenhouse choice test. r 1997 Academic Press

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